Montgomery Township residents can learn how to prevent burglaries and motor vehicle thefts and also protect their personal information at a special presentation March 5.
The 6 p.m. presentation will be held in the Montgomery Municipal Center at 100 Community Drive. It is being organized by the Montgomery Township Police Department.
The Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office and the Montgomery Township Health Department will participate in the presentation, which will also include other public safety topics, officials said.
The discussion will offer tips on prevention strategies so that attendees do not become victims of theft or identity theft. There will be time for a question-and-answer session.
There were 77 burglaries in 2023 and 29 burglaries in 2024, according to the Montgomery Township Police Department. Two burglaries were reported in January.
Seven motor vehicles were stolen in 2023, and 14 were reported stolen in 2024. One motor vehicle was stolen in January.
In 2023, there was one reported case of fraud or forgery. There were 55 reports of fraud or forgery in 2024, and five in January, police said.
Attendees are asked to register in advance because of space limitations. The registration form is available on the Montgomery Township website at