A Hillsborough middle school student has been named as a finalist in Hillsborough Memorial VFW Post 8371’s annual Patriot’s Pen Scholarship Essay Contest.
Board President Paul Marini read a proclamation recognizing Vibhu Datta for his “exceptional essay that demonstrated insightful reflection and profound understanding of the contest theme” at a board meeting on Feb. 24.
This year’s Patriot’s Pen theme was “How are You Inspired by America,” which challenged students to articulate their patriotic views and explore American history with their own experiences into a compelling essay.
Hillsborough Post commander Mike Schraufnagel said “Vibhu did a great job on the essay.”
“The Patriot’s Pen Award entails sixth, seventh and eighth graders in the Montgomery area, Hillsborough and Branchburg,” he said. [Vibhu] as a finalist says a lot.”
The Patriot’s Pen Scholarship Essay Contest is conducted nationwide and gives students an opportunity to write a 300-to-500-word essay expressing their views on an annual patriotic theme. The national winners will receive at least $500. The first place national award is currently $5,000.
Datta’s essay was selected as the best entry submitted in the VFW Post 8371’s contest earning him the distinction of local finalist for the national award.
The proclamation further stated Datta’s essay reflects his “dedication to academic excellence, his thoughtful engagement with American ideals, and ability to express his views, clarity and conviction.”
With the proclamation, the board of education is continually “committed to fostering civic engagement and recognizing academic achievements of its students,” Marini said.