Pennington has sworn in Nadine Stern and Dan Rubenstein to start the year for the Borough Council in 2025.
Stern begins her second term and Rubenstein begins his first term. The terms are for three years.
When Borough Council convened for their annual reorganization meeting on Jan. 6, their oaths were each administered by Borough Attorney Walter Bliss.
Stern was elected to serve as council president in 2025. She was nominated by Councilwoman Catherine Chandler, who has served as council president since 2020. No other nominations were made.
Stern was first elected to the Pennington Council in 2021. She currently serves on the Planning Board, Historic Preservation Committee, and Public Works Committee.
The previous committees she’s served on include the Shade Tree Committee, Open Space Committee, and Master Plan sub-committee.
The Pennington Borough Council consists of Stern, Chandler, Rubenstein, Councilwoman Kati Angarone, Councilman Charles Marciante, and Councilman John Valenza.
Jim Davy serves as the borough’s mayor.