Tag: Hopewell Township


‘The campaign changed the course of the American Revolution’

The 63rd annual Col. Edward Hand Historic March re-enactment - complete with musket firing and a two-mile walk to the Shabakunk Creek at Notre...

7th Annual Holiday Toy Drive brings joy

Hopewell Police Benevolent Association (PBA) Local 342 and the Ewing PBA Local 111 held another successful toy drive this holiday season. This year, gifts bringing...

Hopewell Township Police blotter

Tools valued at $3,627 were reported stolen from a barn on the Pennington-Rocky Hill Road after a burglar cut the lock on the barn...

School district faces challenges with early forecast of budget

Facing increased costs for out of district placements and a potential reduction in state aid, Hopewell Valley Regional School District (HVRSD) officials expect challenges...

Trenton Water Works: ‘Something must change’

Hopewell Township officials want fundamental change at Trenton Water Works (TWW) following the announcement that an employee at the water utility - who has...

Panel to discuss how to strengthen immigration, healthcare and environment rights

A panel discussion has been set for Dec. 19 that focuses on how to strengthen New Jersey's rights in immigration, healthcare, environment and the...