Tag: Hopewell Township


Wrong-way driver charged with driving under the influence

A Hope Township woman is facing multiple charges, including driving under the influence after she was allegedly driving the wrong way on Trenton-Harbourton Road,...

Hopewell Township Police blotter

A woman reported Sept. 6 that a check had been stolen from the mail, and that someone tried to cash it for $25,580. The...

Resident supports Purandare

I strongly support Uma Purandare for reelection to the Hopewell Township Committee. Her dedication to community health and environmental sustainability is evident through her...

School district to hold second forum ahead of $87 million referendum vote

The Hopewell Regional School District will hold a hybrid town hall forum ahead of the $87 million referendum vote in two weeks. Potential voters can...

Hopewell Tour Des Arts partners with Arts Council with expanded lineup

The Hopewell Tour Des Arts, a celebrated weekend dedicated to showcasing the local art community, returns for its 17th year with an even more...

Hopewell Township Police blotter

A woman reported the theft of her wallet and keys while she was attending a class at Honor Yoga on Denow Road between 10:20...