Tag: Penn Medicine at Princeton Medical Center


When it Comes to Gynecologic Cancer Listen to Your Body

By Noah Goldman, MD    September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month, an opportune time to shed light on cancers that uniquely affect women, including cervical,...

Colonoscopy Remains Gold Standard for Preventing Colon Cancer

By Anish A. Sheth, MD   Want to prevent colon cancer? Get a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy not only screens for existing cancer, but by identifying and removing...

Lung Nodule? Most are Harmless but Still Need Evaluation

By Leonid Emerel, MD If you have been diagnosed with lung nodules, you are not alone. Every year, more than 1.5 million people are told they...

Supporting Workers’ Mental Health is Good for Everyone

By Susan Weinstein, LCSW, CEAP, SAP Did you know the average full-time worker in the United States spends about half their waking life at work? That's...

Obesity is a Multifactorial Disease Requiring Treatment

By Lisa Dobruskin, MD, FACS The long-held belief that obesity is caused by a lack of willpower is like a fad diet that promises dramatic...

Physical Therapy for Pickleball Injuries

By Barbara Kutch, PT Pickleball, a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. In...