Tag: Princeton Public Schools


Princeton Public Schools forms threat assessment team

Aiming to identify students who may represent a threat to others, the Princeton Public Schools has created a school threat assessment team in each...

‘We need to start now,’ school board expects to appoint superintendent search consultant

The Princeton Public Schools Board of Education expects to appoint a professional search consultant to aid in its search for a permanent superintendent of...

Princeton Public Schools cell phone use at high school remains the same

Some school districts have imposed new restrictions on cell phone use, but for the Princeton Public Schools, the policy remains the same. This is an...

‘These changes represent significant cost savings’

The Princeton Public Schools has been approved to take part in Public Service Gas & Electric Co.'s "Direct Install" program for selected energy upgrades. The...

Six candidates to run for open seats on Princeton school board

Six candidates, including one incumbent school board member, filed nominating petitions to run for three open seats on the Princeton Public Schools Board of...

Princeton school board to seek superintendent search consultants

The Princeton Public Schools is seeking a professional search consultant to help it find a permanent superintendent of schools. The school board is preparing a...