A 30-year-old East Windsor Township man was charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving, careless driving, failure to maintain lane, maintenance of lamps, failure to signal, having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle and refusal to submit to a breath test following a motor vehicle stop on Lake Drive at 1:48 a.m. Feb. 26. He was processed and released.
A 36-year-old Lawrence Township man was arrested on active warrants and was also charged with driving while his license was suspended and failure to wear a seat belt after he was stopped for speeding on Hankins Road Feb. 26. He was processed and released after posting bail.
A 41-year-old East Windsor Township man was arrested on an active warrant after he was stopped for a pedestrian traffic violation on Route 33 on Feb. 26. He was processed and released after posting bail.
A 37-year-old East Windsor Township woman was arrested on active warrants and also issued a summons for having an unregistered vehicle following a motor vehicle stop for an expired temporary registration on Route 33 on Feb. 25. She was processed and taken to the Mercer County Correction Center on the warrants.
A 19-year-old Trenton resident was charged with shoplifting for allegedly taking $257.98 worth of merchandise from Walmart on Feb. 25. The suspect dropped the items after being stopped by loss prevention officers, and fled the area. A detective identified the suspect, who was charged on a complaint summons.
A 54-year-old East Windsor Township resident was charged with driving under the influence, reckless driving, careless driving, failure to maintain lane, wrong way on a one-way street, obstructing traffic, maintenance of lamps and having an unregistered vehicle on Route 33 at 7:03 p.m. Feb. 24. A police officer noticed the vehicle’s taillights were not turned on and the vehicle was being driven erratically. The driver was processed and released.
A 56-year-old Hightstown man was arrested on an active warrant from Hightstown following a motor vehicle stop for a defective brake light on Route 33 on Feb. 23. He was processed and released.
A 56-year-old Pennington woman was charged with shoplifting for allegedly concealing merchandise in a plastic storage bin and leaving Target without paying on Feb. 23. She was processed and released.
A 38-year-old Trenton woman who attempted to make fraudulent transactions at the M&T Bank on Route 130 was charged with forgery, possession of false government documents, identify theft and obstruction of justice on Feb. 22. She allegedly had a fraudulent Maryland driver’s license and a fraudulent bank card in her possession. She was processed and released.
A 30-year-old Trenton man and a 44-year-old East Windsor Township woman were charged with shoplifting and hindering apprehension for allegedly giving false information to police Feb. 22 at the Walmart. The pair allegedly previously shoplifted and were attempting to exchange items at the customer service desk. The woman was also charged with falsely incriminating another person and was found to be wanted on active warrants. The man was processed and released. The woman was processed and taken to the Mercer County Correction Center on the active warrants.