Saturday, February 8 at 8pm and Sunday, February 9 at 4:00pm – Princeton Symphony Orchestra (PSO) is joined by Orli Shaham for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 20. Also on the program are Mozart’s Ballet Music from Idomeneo and Symphony No. 39. Gérard Korsten conducts. Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall, Princeton University Campus, Princeton, NJ. Tickets: start at $40 (children 5-17 who are accompanied by an adult receive a 50% discount); Accommodations or services can be arranged with two weeks’ notice, contact Mika Godbole at mgodbole@princetonsymphony.org or (609) 905-0931; For tickets: princetonsymphony.org or 609-497-0020.
Programs, artists, dates, and times are subject to change.