Tag: Hillsborough Township


Somerset County ‘curbing hunger’ all year round

In response to the national food insecurity crisis, the Somerset County Board of Commissioners will support new food drive initiatives to benefit local food banks and in-need...

‘It’s been a privilege’

Air Force veteran Michael Nehlsen is set to lead his 10th annual Riding For Warriors motorcycle ride overseas this August beginning in Geneva, Switzerland...

Hillsborough Township: Primary election

Voters in Hillsborough Township went to the polls June 4 to choose candidates to run for an array of municipal and state offices in...

Hillsborough Township: Primary election is June 4

Voters in Hillsborough Township will go to the polls June 4 to choose candidates to run for an array of municipal and state offices...

Hillsborough Township police investigate high-end vehicle thefts

Hillsborough Township Police Chief Mike McMahon urges residents to take proactive measures to safeguard their homes and vehicles against recent thefts. "This includes active security...